Together we have the momentum to
completely destroy each other.

Let's do something better.

Hi, I’m Brandt. I have fun making neat things.

I want to make the transition from traditional software to distributed software easier for people who are just getting started. That transition can be difficult, especially in the case of transitioning from traditional currencies to digital, distributed currencies.

There’s so much we can do to improve the experience for people.

Right now I’m creating projects involving:

I’m using those tools to create projects related to my current obsessions.

Current obsessions

  • Offline, peer to peer applications
  • Community-maintained, transparent financial systems
  • Evaluating the ways local state and global state compliment each other
  • Identity, privacy, and security in distributed networks
  • Fiction, games, and music.

Frequently asked questions (probably)

Is Brandt Cormorant your real name?

Who cares? Do a quick web search and you’ll learn some things about me:

  • I believe there’s a best coast.
  • I’m learning Rust to go deeper into the systems that run Solana and other software.
  • I like metaphors, analogies, & abstractions.
  • The self is a malleable entity, our existence in the universe is volatile, impacted by and impacting other selves; sometimes within our own bodies, floating in our dreams, building cityscapes from our memories, powering vehicles of creation with our hopes; sometimes standing on rocks as waves crash around us and wind pushes our clothes so intensely that maybe we can have wings, maybe we can soar and dive, slipping fast into the ocean’s surface at such great speed that we can plunge deep underwater and assault fish with our mouths.
  • Birds are cool.

Are you a bird?

Wouldn’t you like to know.

How can I contact you?

Listen, when you contact a neurogoofball like me there’s a few things that can happen. In order of likelihood:

  1. The message is never seen.
  2. The message is seen and immediately forgotten.
  3. The message is read and deleted because it is ethically, financially, or aesthetically gross.
  4. The message is read with interest and filed away as “not related to current obsession but future me will probably like it” and I’ll send a response some time between later and never.
  5. The message is read carefully and immediately responded to because it relates to something I’m currently obsessed with.

I present you with this salty answer not to give you shit, but to help you succeed and prepare you for the worst.

You saw that current obsessions list, yeah? If you’re not contacting me with salient information about one of those things you are at a severe disadvantage and likely misspending your time.

Why is your header on this page so dramatic?


Where I exist

  • 𝕏 - Pure nightmare fuel.
  • Bluesky - Anything could happen.
  • GitHub - If you like collaborating on code!
  • Substack - If you like getting email newsletters!
  • Telegram - I try not to spend time here.
  • Email - firstlast at proton dot me - A pit that I infrequently gaze into, contemplate my life choices, and imagine I am alone in a sparse forest, walking gently in the sun, eating wood sorrel seed pods, feeling at peace with the destruction of the world.